HTML2Mail tool

I created this very simple tool for my own needs, since I couldn't find anything offering the functionality I needed. The tool takes a (live) webpage, sticks it in an email and sends it to a specified destination. There are other tools for this, but this one is especially geared toward sending out periodical emails automatically. In combination with scripting languages (PHP, ASP etc) you can completely automate the mailing of, say, a list of 'new items in stock', 'promotion articles' or 'upcoming events'. Provided, of course, these items reside in a database. Special attention is given to the error-reporting such automated procedures need.

On the other hand, even if you don't need this functionality, the tool may prove useful for those who already are skilled in building web-pages and don't see why they would have to learn to use a specialised 'html email designer' program to design HTML emails.

Html2mail is not a bulk emailer itself; but it can send an email to the list-address of an appropriate list-server. (Many excellent listservers are available as freeware)
The program uses the (freeware version of) ASPemail from Persits Software ( to send out emails.

The html2mail tool is freeware, but you should, of course, respect my copyright.

Hans Mabelis


The tool should run on any version of Windows after '98

Download html2mail (incl. aspemail component; 1.8 Mb)   /  Download html2mail (excl. aspemail component; 1.7Mb)

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